SRI Programs


There are many organizations focusing on the education sector in Liberia. There is the Liberia National Student Union which is the umbrella organization for all student affairs in the country. Youth Exploring Solutions, the Ministry of Education, Liberia Education Trust etc. Our solution differs from most the above solutions in that our focus is driven towards developing the capacities of students so that their progressive actions can create a ripple effect and spur reform in government policy, schools operations and teachers/parents support.

Sustainability Plan

A major long-term goal of Student Reform Initiative is to become a financially sustainable social enterprise in Liberia. One way through which we currently raise funds is by applying for grants to organizations such as the British Council and other interested parties. By December/January we plan to start a Distinguished Guest Speaker series to generate income from ticket sales, arts auctions etc. We also plan to launch a student magazine soon.

Areas of work

SRI has seven (7) working components to implement in either short or long term programs, they are:

1. Education
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Student Empowerment
4. Gender and Student Right Protection
5. Agriculture
6. Sanitation and Safety
7. Change and Nation Building Awareness.

Current Projects:

Project 3i  (Identify-Invent-Implement)

Project 3i is a program designed to harness the entrepreneurial potential of high school students, so that they can be able to creatively tackle the needs/problems of their schools and communities.
Project Profile

Country of Implementation          :     Liberia
Specific Location(s)                    :     Jacobs Town, Paynesville
Activities                                   :    Workshop, Symposium & Ideas Festival 
Participants                                :    50
Number of Schools represented    : Seven (7)
Participants’ benefits                  : Innovation Prize,T-shirt, Certificate, Knowledge, &

Inspire the Future

information coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Stanley Oppong1 June 2013 at 23:28

    SRI is indeed here to inspire the future for a long term maintenance of future benefit.
